
Soldier On provides employment services to veterans who are homeless in order to assist them with securing a job and transitioning back into their community successfully. Each veteran meets with a case manager who performs an assessment and develops an individualized service plan.

Soldier On partners with businesses in the community to create employment opportunities for our veterans. Employment coordinators work to foster and maintain relationships between local employers and veterans while providing the support necessary for success. Smith & Wesson and Yankee Candle are among local businesses that partner with Soldier On, ensuring future employment for our veterans.

As a leading provider of firearms for 160 years, we are proud to support a number of programs and sponsorships designed to acknowledge the contributions made by our country’s veterans, including programs that support training and employment.  These exceptional individuals play a vital role, not just by offering their valuable skills, but also by providing a true sense of community and leadership to our workforce.  We continually strive for new ways to show our allegiance to these deserving men and women.”

– James Debney, CEO, Smith & Wesson 

The Soldier On Kitchen operates in alignment with our model of veterans serving veterans. Implementing an in-house meal service, veterans employed by the Soldier On Kitchen are able to further their skills in the kitchen while giving back to their community. Veterans working in the Soldier On Kitchen specialize in scratch cooking techniques and use natural, organic and local products as often as possible. Much of the produce that goes into the meals is grown in our own Soldier On greenhouse. Veterans employed by the Soldier On Kitchen work together in the planning and execution of meals while taking part in various food preparation certificate programs. These programs provide veterans with the necessary safety and management tools to run a restaurant kitchen while improving their own skill set.
